An experimental art school teaching radical Black politics.

Design Apprenticeship

Graphic Design • Activism • Entrepreneurship • Life Skills  


The Design Apprenticeship is a paid 6 month training program where young creatives will be taught graphic design through real-world learning with an interdisciplinary approach.

Program Details:

Who: Young creatives from ages approximately 14-21
When [M-TH, 4:00-6:30pm, $13/hr, Nov-Mid May, 6 months]
Where [Xavier University, Art Village, 3500 Pine St, New Orleans, LA 70125]

The purpose of the program is to produce a Black self-directed, civically engaged, hybrid design professional with the ability to identify problems in their own communities and present design solutions.

Concentrating on design thinking, students will develop the visual and technical skills to identify creative opportunities, conceptualize ideas, investigate design solutions, navigate software interfaces, and both present and comment upon visual output in group critiques. This apprenticeship will cover the principles of digital image making, typography, and color theory. Apprentices will produce self-initiated projects, TBS graphics, and real world client work, using photographs, text, and drawn elements such as logos, creating designs that have visual impact and convey intended meaning.

This apprenticeship learn community base building and political education from local New Orleans youth activist organization, Rethink, in order to develop design justice strategies that utilize design as a means for transformation. With an emphasis on a human-centered, holistic, and empathic approach, students will apply design justice methodologies to problems and issues in our community.

Apprentices engage in the study of Black radicalism, past and present, through a reading and writing program, Liberation Library. We will explore the history, ideas, voices and strategies Black people employed in the struggle to achieve liberation and self-determination. The intention of Liberation Library is to promote a love of reading and advance apprentices’ criticality though social, political, and cultural consciousness. Apprentices will be tasked to produce written and visual work that responds to the oppressors through agitation and innovation.

This apprenticeship explores the possibilities and realities of personal and professional development through our Life School program. Using a whole person development approach we will focus on improving personal and emotional skills, or “soft skills”, in addition to traditional professional skills. Apprentices will be tasked to be active participants in their own growth with regards to the issues of career, finances, spirituality, mental health, physical health, community, family and friends. Apprentices are connected to resources with the assistance of a social worker to aid in their growth.

The N.O. X BK Exchange Program is a partnership between Brooklyn Community Arts and Media High School and New Orleans-based art school and The Black School. Between April and June of 2023, 10 students from each school traveled to work together, gain cultural exposure, visit colleges, explore activism-oriented community inquiry and artistic development, and build sister-city bridges.

Joseph Cuillier, Creative Director
Jihad Doucette, Design Mentor
Norman Bercey, Junior Design Mentor
Lana Meyon, Reading + Writing Program
Andrea Fullington, Reading + Writing Program

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